A Welcome From Our Pastor
Thank you for visiting our website! It is our prayer that you will be encouraged in faith, love and good works in our Savior Jesus Christ, by the ministry of Southwest Presbyterian Church (SWPCA). We desire that Jesus Christ be exalted and proclaimed in every aspect of our church family.
Our desire is to equip one another as disciples of the Living Christ. Therefore, our worship services are led with an emphasis on the Word of God - read, preached, heard and studied. The youth and adult Sunday school programs aim to reinforce and deepen Biblical knowledge and sound doctrinal maturity, while fostering personal relationships and growth.
We hope to serve you and to be served by the gifts of grace that Christ gives to every member of His glorious body, the church.
Blessings, in the Name of Christ.
~Rev. David Wakeland, Pastor
What We Believe
We believe that the Bible is God's Word, the authoritative standard for faith and life. Therefore, we seek to derive our DOCTRINE, GOVERNMENT, and WORSHIP from the truths the Bible reveals and the instruction it alone provides.
As a Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) church, we agree with the interpretation of doctrinal, governmental, and worship standards laid forth in the Westminster Standards and the PCA Book of Church Order, as summarized below.
Copies of these documents for study can be found here:
The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter catechisms (series of questions and answers on Biblical subjects) are a consensus expression of what we believe the Bible teaches. Church officers adopt this creed as a summary of their belief by a vow. Individual members do not take such a vow, though we encourage all to use these documents to deepen their understanding of Biblical Christianity. In short, we believe that God is Trinity, one God in three persons. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are living and eternal God. Each person is equal in power and glory, wholly God.
We believe the Bible is God's Word, written by human authors, equipped ('inspired') by the Holy Spirit. Being God's very words, the authors' original products were without error. Therefore, the Bible is infallible. It is the sole authority for faith and life.
We believe that all humans are sinners, totally unable to save themselves or to earn God's favor. Sinful humanity's only hope is God's free and all-powerful grace.
We believe that God saves sinners. The Father elects, Christ redeems, and the Holy Spirit applies redemptive grace to sinners.
We believe that Jesus is the eternal Son of God. He became man, lived, obeyed God's Law, and died under God's curse on the cross, because of the guilt of those He came to redeem, which he carried as if it were his own (imputation).
We believe that the Father raised His righteous Son from death to glory and gave Him authority over heaven and earth. Thus, Jesus is the Redeemer, the Prophet, Priest and King over God's kingdom, the only mediator between God and man.
We believe Christ gives His Holy Spirit to all Christians. The Holy Spirit empowers Christians to walk by faith in this earthy-life. Thus, Christians grow in holiness even while struggling against their sin, the world, and the devil.
We believe in the future return of Jesus Christ to judge all humanity and to establish His glory over a new creation. His personal, visible, and bodily return will consummate salvation and God's glory.
Church Government
There are 3 "marks" of the Biblical church: the ministry of God's Word, the ministry of the sacraments (Baptism and the Lord's Supper), and the ministry of church discipline (the spiritual oversight/shepherding of God's people by church leaders). These 3 "marks" are visible graces established and maintained by Christ.
The Biblical form of church government is called "Presbyterian" (see Acts 20:17, Titus 1.5-7, 1 and 2 Timothy) The basic principles of Presbyterianism are:
A group* of congregationally recognized and called leaders** governs the local church. Each elder has an equal voice in the spiritual leadership of the local church.
The unity of Christ's people must be visibly displayed. Therefore, local congregations gather to form a regional church-body, for the purpose of spiritual accountability and cooperative ministry.
The individual churches submit to the leadership of the regional governing body***, which consists of all the pastors and representative elders from each local church.
All spiritual authority in and through the church belongs to Christ the King. Church officers and courts are representative ministers of Christ. Therefore, where Christ has not revealed His will the church has no right to meddle. However, Christ has entrusted spiritual authority to the church in matters of faith and life as it proclaims His living Word. Therefore, the church is essential for the glory of Christ and for healthy growing Christians.
* This governing body is called a "session."
** These leaders are called "elders."
*** The regional church court is called a "presbytery." Southwest PCA is in the Houston Metro Presbytery.
Southwest Presbyterian's worship service is centered around praise to God -- giving thanks to Him -- and includes Puritan-styled preaching of the Word, times of prayer, readings from the Old and New Testament, a study of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, the singing of hymns from the Trinity Hymnal, and occasional special music from local musicians or the church's choir. The Lord's Supper is served in the morning service on the first Sunday and in the evening service on the third Sunday.
Recommended Reading
These books are selected by our church officers and pastoral staff as important reads for Christians at any stage in their sanctification. If you have not read any of these, we whole-heatedly commend any of them as helpful for your walk as a Christian.
Morning and Evening Devotional by Charles Spurgeon
Everyone's a Theologian by R.C. Sproul
Internet Resources
About the Presbyterian Church in America
Magazine with articles and daily devotionals
Beloved Presbyterian Hymns from the Trinity Hymnal
Midi format
Thousands of hymns with midi arrangements
Over 2100 of his sermons
Writings, devotions, sermons and more
Classic articles and resources of historical orthodoxy
Christian apologetics
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Digital library of classic Christian books