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What To Expect

Q: Where should I go when I arrive for Morning/Evening Worship Service?


The parking lot is on the south side of the property. The sanctuary is on the north side of the property. The South House and the Education Building are between the sanctuary and the parking lot. When you park, follow the sidewalk from the parking lot, past the South House, through the Education Building, to the Sanctuary. There are signs posted along the sidewalk for you to follow.


Q: What happens before morning service?


Morning Service starts at 11 AM. Before Service is Sunday School from 9:45-10:30 AM at multiple locations on campus, followed by fellowship (with coffee and snacks) from 10:30-11 AM. 


Q: How should my kids participate on Sunday?


Age-appropriate Children's Sunday School classes from 3 years old and up are offered during Sunday School from 9:45-10:30 AM in the Education Building (the building between the South House and the Sanctuary). Children 3 years old and up sit with their parents during Morning Worship. We believe participation in worship with their families and other church members is the best way for covenant children to engage with the congregation. Nursery for children up to 3 years old is offered beginning at 9:45 AM and lasting through the end of Morning Service. The Nursery is located in the Education Building, and staffed by volunteers from the congregation.


Q: What should I wear?


There is a wide range of dress and no right answer. Most attendees wear a stylish casual or business casual, but jeans and boots are not out of the norm based on our Texas heritage. All are welcome to "come as they are."


Q: What style is Southwest's Worship Service?


Southwest's Morning and Evening Services are what has come to be known as a "traditional" style. The focus point of the service is the pulpit, where God's Word is read, taught, expounded, and preached to instill the "faith that was once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3:3). During Southwest's Morning Service, in addition to hearing the sermon we sing hymns from the Trinity Hymnal accompanied by our pianist, study catechisms, pray for the congregation and the world, and enjoy special musical offerings from musicians within the congregation. During Southwest's Evening Service, hymn requests and prayers are taken from the congregation and a Teaching Elder delivers a short sermon.


Q: What if I can't sing or have never sung from the Hymnal?


Don't worry -- God finds beauty in the worship of all of his saints, regardless of how they sing.


Q: Who should I talk to if I have questions?


Every Sunday has an assigned Elder on Duty, who will be greeting at the entrance of the Sanctuary. Please feel free to introduce yourself to him or one of the pastors. If you don't introduce yourself, more than likely that Elder will find you!

Southwest Presbyterian Church (PCA) is a reformed bible-believing church in Southwest Houston with members from across the Houston Metro.

Contact us at (713) 432-0040 or

Mailing Address: 6033 South Rice Ave. Bellaire, TX 77401

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