Church Ministries
Men at Southwest enjoy fellowship together, sharing the joys and trials of being Christians. Men meet regularly for breakfast and prayer on the first Saturday of each month, for study of the Westminster Standards on the second Monday of each month, and at other planned events. Contact Pastor David for more details.
The Women at Southwest share prayer time together each Wednesday morning. The Women are also involved in a one-on-one discipleship and mentoring program based on Titus 2. Contact the Church Office for more details.
Children at Southwest receive age-appropriate instruction during the Sunday School hour, are provided an activity sheet based on the sermon topic each week, and have other planned events. Nursery is provided for children 0-4 years old during worship services. Children are encouraged to worship with their parents in service as soon as able.
Community Groups
Members and visitors are encouraged to join a community group, where small groups meet to pray, study the Word, and establish deeper relationships with fellow Christians. Groups meet around town on various nights of the week. Contact the Church Office for more information and to find a group for you.
Southwest has a Youth Leader whose ministry is focused on connecting with our young adults and leading preparing them a secure spiritual, Christian foundation from which to serve Jesus as adults. For more details contact our Youth Leader, James Wakeland.
Southwest has members of the deaf community involved in worship and study of God's Word and provides sign language interpreters for worship service and select other events. Contact the Church Office for more details.
Our Missionaries
For more information on how to support and pray for our missionaries please contact our Missions Committee.
Missionary John Rug
MTW missionary evangelizing the blind in Chile.
Missionary Keith Kanavel
MTW missionary evangelizing in Burkina Faso.
Missionary Rich and Pam Box
MTW missionary providing seminary-level courses to pastors in South America.
St. Rock Church
PCA church plant in hurricane-hit Baton Rouge.
Church Without Walls
Christian outreach to Muslims led by Ian Coulter.
Seminary courses organized by Julian Zugg.
MAN Ministries
Ministering to Muslims through radio and television in Cairo led by Rafik Wagdy.
Second Mile Mission
Outreach to the needy in the Fort Bend County area.
African Bible College
Bible college in Uganda.
Training of Bible translators led by Paul Kroening
Teaching and evangelizing of students at University of Houston and Rice University through Reformed University Fellowship (RUF).
Greenville Seminary
Seminary training for future pastors and teachers.